Our Three Partners

SmevDev was founded on the belief that the company has three partners that we work for and with to ensure our success.

How This Impacts Us

Because of our belief in our three partners, our company has done a number of things which would be considered unusual by today's standards. Because we refuse to allow outside parties have more influence over our direction than our customers, our company will not borrow money. This is not an easy decision, but one which will have a lasting impact on both our employees and our customers.

It is also a decision that our friends seem to agree with. In order to have enough funds for web-hosting this site, we sold 33 SmevDev shirts. You are, literally, looking at the supportive response of our partners. They bought shirts in suppport of our conscious decision to not put SmevDev in a position to be leveraged by outsiders. With the support of our friends and allies, we can be sure that SmevDev always moves in a way which will benefit our customers and employees; without being distracted by the requirements of a lender or shareholders.

Thank you to all who supported us in that fund-raiser! We will not let you down!